Sunday, February 15, 2009

all you need is love...

...and chocolate!

I received a stack of my favourite chocolate..mmmm....

if you haven't tried the Lindt Dark Orange Intense yet, I highly recommend it.

Ceropegia Woodil commonly known as 'chain of hearts'...

Happy belated Valentines Day, I hope everyone had a special day with their special someones!

Some of you may have noticed that I've been quite slack over the last couple of weeks. I was offered 2 days teaching a week starting last Monday. As I've been working on hot toffee full time for the last 3 years it may take me a while to get the balance right but I definitely intend to do so.

Also some exciting things have happened in the past couple of weeks which I have yet to mention so will do my best to catch up this week starting tomorrow, so please check back during the week.