sweet entrance
dotty washi tape added to my collection
Yesterday after enjoying morning tea and giggles with an old friend and her little people in the park I stopped by coming up roses* to take some photos. (I was so excited earlier this year when coming up roses* became a hot toffee stockist and have desperately been wanting to photograph the shop before sharing the news here.) This is one of the loveliest shops I've ever been in. Managed by Lorraine and Sarah it has such a beautiful selection of products which are just so exquisitely displayed. From the price tags to window displays the tiniest of details are lovingly given the attention they deserve. I highly recommend a visit!
Oh and just in case you are wondering.....yes, I did come home with my very own copy of Pia Jane Bijkerk's AMSTERDAM: MADE BY HAND.
Oh and just in case you are wondering.....yes, I did come home with my very own copy of Pia Jane Bijkerk's AMSTERDAM: MADE BY HAND.
*coming up roses
118 bilyana street
balmoral Q 4171