In my previous post I said I'd share more about my neighbour at Life Instyle. I feel quite privileged that I was beside Julie Fleming. We'd met at Melbourne Life Instyle so it was like meeting up with an old friend. There were many stories shared during as well as a few giggles here and there.
Julie is regarded as Melbourne's leading Milliner, she is also extremely talented and knowledgeable across several mediums. Above are photos of some of the pieces Julie was showcasing at life instyle. They are all modeled by Keva (so pretty, isn't she) who is one of Julie's studio and shop assistants. To read more about this inspirational friend head to the blog, explore the website or pick up a copy of Handmade in Melbourne.
To see more creations by Julie Fleming start with the Fascinators or visit her shop in Melbourne:
456 Malvern Rd, Hawksburn VIC 3181
456 Malvern Rd, Hawksburn VIC 3181
Tuesday - Friday 10am till 5:30pm
Saturday 10am till 3pm
Saturday 10am till 3pm