Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sydney Life Instyle set up...

I found this branch in the park and it was perfect for displaying the new colour cluster pendants. I love the massive windows in the Royal Hall of Industries...all that natural light pouring in is lovely.

That is my suitcase peeping out from behind the table. This is still during set up so there were some small changes made before the show began. The washi tape used to measure where to place hot toffee was removed and a couple of other things switched around.

A hint of Julie Fleming's stand is seen in the left of this image.

To see more of images of Sydney Life Instyle visit the blog or facebook page here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

love the small things...

I'm busily preparing for Life Instyle which has crept up quite quickly again. While there is still so much to do I can't help but feel excited. You see I love leaving this little studio to attend Life Instyle. Even though I will be working most of the time I'm in Sydney it feels like a mini holiday. I don't have a lap top or a phone that I can check my email on which also means there will be no access to lovely blogs. The things (on the long, long 'to do' list) that call my name here in the studio will stay here in the studio leaving my evenings free to spend relaxing (guilt free) with my sister.

If you are visiting Life Instyle (trade only event) please pop by and say hello. I will be on stand 1540 in the Royal Hall of Industries next to the fabulous Julie Fleming.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

starting again tomorrow...

These are some photos of a pattern project in process last year. Lots of saffron ink and collages of tiny organic shapes to create patterns. I was studying graphic design full time at TAFE. It's something I've always wanted to do. Working for myself, by myself and from home I also think it's so important that I continue to search out ways I can push myself and add to my skill sets. Professional development! I love that we were encouraged to work on paper first and not to just jump straight onto the computers (this suited me perfectly as my computer skills especially concerning photoshop, indesign and illustrator were non existent).

This year I'm being a little more sensible and only studying part time as I felt hot toffee suffered from my neglect last year along with my life balance. I had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute though! I am hoping that by studying part time that I will be able to put into practice some of the things I learnt last year and things I will learn last year - after all it's not the qualification that I am seeking, it's the skills and the confidence using those skills! I am in no hurry to graduate.

So hopefully once I get into a routine with work and study I will be visiting this little blog of mine more regularly.